I’ll be in South Africa doing dissertation research July 9-August 19. My basic itinerary and research sites follow, in case you’d like to connect with me there or know of folks with whom I can connect. Interested in discussing all aspects of South Africa, in particular its manifold relationships, historical and contemporary, to the U.S. and India, including vis-à-vis film, TV, and music cultures.
July 9-16: Johannesburg/Pretoria (National Film, Video, and Sound Archive, Bailey’s African History Archive)
July 17-19: Durban (Durban International Film Festival)
July 20-25: Johannesburg/Pretoria (as above + the University of Witwatersrand library)
July 26-August 8: Cape Town (Centre for Popular Memory/University of Cape Town library)
August 9-19: Johannesburg/Pretoria (as above)