

Apr. 2, 2016:

Presenter, “The Work of Settler Colonialism” symposium, Graduate Center, CUNY. 10a-6p, rooms 5409/5414.

Past (Selected)

Jan. 7, 2016:

Panelist, “The Academic Boycott: Taking Sides,” the Modern Language Association annual convention, Austin, TX.

Oct. 11, 2015:

Presenter, “Sonic Resistance to (White Supremacist) Misery: The Case of There’s a Riot Goin’ On,” the American Studies Association annual meeting, Toronto.

May 30, 2015:

Panelist, “A Look at Student Unionism’s Present and Potential,” Left Forum, John Jay College, CUNY.

Panelist, “The Student Movement in NYC,” Left Forum, John Jay College, CUNY.

Panelist, “Left Strategies for the Academic Workers’ Movement—A Year Later,” Left Forum, John Jay College, CUNY.

May 21, 2015:

Presenter, “Teaching Against Stop-and-Frisk and Racial Profiling/Policing: A Case Study From the City University of New York,” the Cultural Studies Association annual meeting, Riverside Convention Center, CA.

Co-organizer and roundtable participant, “Critical Pedagogy, Co-Research, and the Communizing University: Provocations and Discussion With Organizers of the MLA Subconference,” the Cultural Studies Association annual meeting, Riverside Convention Center, CA.

 May 1, 2015:

Presenter, “Indigeneity, Desire, and Refusal: Reconfiguring Literary Studies for Decolonization,” the Critical Ethnic Studies Association annual meeting, York University, Toronto.

Apr. 17, 2015:

Presenter, “The Racial Contradictions of Safe Space: The Graduate Center, Gender Inclusivity, and Differential Institutional Diversity,” the Feminist Pedagogy Conference “Transformations,” Graduate Center, CUNY.

Apr. 10, 2015:

Panelist, “The Origins and Proliferation of the Corporate University,” for the Law Students for Economic Justice/National Lawyers Guild New York City Chapter Labor and Employment Committee symposium “The Corporate University,” New York University.

Nov. 21, 2014:

Co-presenter, “Competing Utopias and Class Composition,” an invited talk by organizers of the MLA Subconference at the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (video starts at 5:25).

Sept. 10, 2014:

Panelist, “Postcolonial Ecologies,” for the symposium “Radical Materialism: Making the World Matter,” Graduate Center, CUNY (scroll for video of Panel 2).

Participant, “Eco-Aesthetics and the Material/Non-Human Turn,” for the symposium “Radical Materialism: Making the World Matter,” Graduate Center, CUNY (scroll for video of Panel 4; my remarks and question, during the Q&A, at 1:11:35).

Jan. 9, 2014:

Panelist, “Resisting Precarity,” the closing plenary of the MLA Subconference, Columbia College, Chicago (video).

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